Legacy Giving
Legacy Giving (Wills & Estates)
Your legacy can support our vision to ensure there is always a free community zoo in High Park for generations to enjoy.
Legacy Gifts Support:
Our Master Plan to upgrade the Zoo
New initiatives to improve the Zoo experience
Recurring events at the Zoo
It is simple to add the Friends of High Park Zoo to your will. Here is basic information you will need:
Legal name of entity: Friends of High Park Zoo
Registered charitable number: 82528 8509 RR0001
Address: Friends of High Park Zoo, 95 Lavinia Avenue, PO Box 109, Toronto, ON, M5S 3H9
For more information on all planned giving contact us at sponsor@highparkzoo.ca.
We are grateful for those that include High Park Zoo as part of their legacy. We honour and recognize the gifts made.
Resources on Legacy Giving can be found here: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/giving-life/giving-strategy/planned-giving-straight-answers-for-regular-folks/